CPAD Board Members in the News: TLT Faculty Fellows for 2022-24

CPAD Board Members in the News: TLT Faculty Fellows for 2022-24


Board members Anna Divinsky and Cookie Redding are a part of the 2022-2024 TLT Faculty Fellows.  Read the full article here.


“UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State’s Teaching and Learning with Technology has welcomed six instructors across two campuses and four colleges into its Faculty Fellows cohort for 2022-24 and begun collaborating on a new slate of projects.

Faculty selected for the Faculty Fellows program partner with TLT on innovative projects, which over the course of the program’s existence have encompassed everything from data empowered learning to robotics.

Projects undertaken by the new cohort — Anna Divinsky, Cookie Redding, Zena Tredinnick-Kirby, Jacqueline Bortiatynski, Gregory R. Pierce and Jeanne Marie Rose — will focus on at least one of the following themes:

  • Affordability and Inclusion — Utilizing instructional technologies to increase accessibility and affordability, supporting a more equitable experience for students
  • Physi-digital Space — Innovations to help students be successful and prepare them to work in dynamic, hybrid workplaces
  • Radical Creativity — Incorporating instructional technology tools to cultivate creativity and collaboration in the classroom

The Fellows will work with a team of TLT staff on their projects, which are influenced by each instructor’s discipline and background.


Anna Divinsky, Cookie Redding, and Zena Tredinnick-Kirby  Exploring 3D Virtual Spaces: Engaging Student Communities Through Feedback and Exhibitions

Imagine creating a digital avatar and then visiting a virtual art museum and interacting with other visitors in real time. Divinsky, an assistant professor of Art in the Office of Digital Learning; Redding, a lecturer in the School of Visual Arts; and Tredinnick-Kirby, a lecturer in the School of Visual Arts, intend to integrate 3D Virtual Space into art courses to be able to do just that.

The goal is to utilize 3D Virtual Spaces to strengthen students’ comprehension of the language of art criticism, help them become more constructive thinkers and collaborative team members, and allow them to experiment with cutting-edge technology applicable to their field.

The faculty members said one of their goals is to transform their students’ educational experience by expanding how feedback and iteration sessions are delivered through a variety of courses, while leveraging enhanced and emerging digital learning options.

Students will place their final artwork in the course’s virtual gallery space to create an exhibit, provide constructive feedback to one another, and integrate the feedback as they develop their ideas and skills.”


Source:  TLT introduces Faculty Fellows for 2022-24 | Penn State University (



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